Christmas Gifts - Time is running out!

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. So, last minute shoppers – here's a great idea!"

MILLSBORO, Del. - DelTimes -- Roger D. Grubbs, best-selling author of more than 60 books, has a great idea for those looking for Christmas gifts that can provide a lifetime of enjoyment. In his quest to search for "The Greatest Gift of All," Mr. Grubbs wrote the book and used this idea as the title.

With limited funds available and so many to buy for, some find themselves in a panic mode. What can one purchase that will be appreciated and actually cherished by the recipient? The main character in "The Greatest Gift of All" considered Christmas to be his favorite time of year. Realizing others felt the same way, he decided to teach a group of orphans the importance of giving. In the story, one of the main characters reveals something most unintentionally overlook. It's not about the price of the gift, but a deeper meaning behind the giving that he hoped to instill in these young people.

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Readers love this story, and now it's available in ebook, audio book, and print format. Roger admits he really enjoys listening to the audio book as it seems to make the story come to life. While this is a very emotional story, fans are very pleased with the ending. You will fall in love with the kind old gentleman who sacrificed everything to help a friend, so be prepared to shed a few tears.

Now back to the reason for this news release. If you are in need of some last minute shopping, why not consider gifting an ebook or audio book? It's easy to do and fast. Just click on gift a book, choose a format, and then provide the email address for where you would like for it to be sent. This gift is usually accompanied with a card by email that tells the recipient who provided the gift and how they can receive it.

Once they have your gift, it is there for them to enjoy for an entire lifetime. With that being said, may we suggest that you provide them with "The Greatest Gift of All?" Before you decide, just click on the website below, and then click on Amazon to listen to a sample of the audio book. You won't be disappointed.

Roger Grubbs

Source: Books By Roger Grubbs
Filed Under: Books

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