for the Victims III - Nation in Crisis

"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand!" Matthew 12:25

MILLSBORO, Del. - DelTimes -- Roger D. Grubbs, best-selling author of over 60 books, made several bold predictions more than two decades ago. He wrote the book titled "for the Victims III – Nation in Crisis" to reveal his heart felt premonitions. Now that many of those visions he wrote about have already come to pass, he is even more concerned about the future. "We are definitely at a critical point," he is quick to respond.

Mr. Grubbs mentions the fact that history tells us the life cycle of a democracy is limited to approximately 250 years, which is where we are today as a nation. With world tension at new heights, many are concerned about the direction in which we are currently heading.

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While corruption can destroy a nation from within, there are those who will stand up for what is right. Democracy is a powerful force, placing the fate of the nation in the hands of voters. However, things are not always as they seem, and it is more difficult to get at the truth than ever before.

That's the bleak side of the situation, so let's consider the flip side of this analysis. Only during the days of Solomon has a nation prospered as much as the United States has enjoyed over the past two decades. Yet, with this prosperity come envy, jealousy, and the desire on the part of our adversaries to bring us down.

It takes a strong leader to steer this great nation in the right direction and to protect our freedom. Presidents have come and gone, and yet this nation continues to prosper. Is it fate or divine intervention? Quite often our leaders end their public announcements by saying "God Bless America." It has long been printed on our currency "In God We Trust." While this seems to be insignificant to many, others believe this to be the powerful force behind our prosperity.

In order for our democracy to survive, we must not tolerate corruption like the main characters in "for the Victims-series" had to endure. Yes, we are a powerful nation and can survive for centuries to come. It is in the hands of voters, and once elected, we must honor those in power.

With individual wealth at an all-time high, a strong stock market, and unemployment near record lows, the United States is in a position to continue its prosperity. Will corruption be dealt with appropriately, or will we allow it to destroy us from within? For further details about what can build a nation up or bring it down, read Mr. Grubbs' "for the Victims III – Nation in Crisis."

Roger Grubbs

Source: Books By Roger Grubbs
Filed Under: Books

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