"In Search of Paradise" of Adventure series by best-selling author Roger Grubbs

"A biblical thriller sure to entertain many a reader" …Midwest Book Review.

MILLSBORO, Del. - DelTimes -- Have you ever wondered what it was like in the beginning of time? Sure you have, and that idea prompted best-selling author Roger Grubbs to write "In Search of Paradise".

While this is a book of fiction, many of the facts revealed have merit. Just where is the location of the Garden of Eden and is it still off limits to humans?

According to the book of Genesis, man and woman were created during the first seven days of time. During that creation God placed Adam and Eve in the midst of a beautiful garden and gave them rule over the entire habitat called Paradise.

They were then commanded not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. All other things in the garden were there for their enjoyment. But they broke that commandment and were immediately expelled from the garden. To keep them from returning, angelic creatures known as cherubim were placed at the entrance while holding flaming swords.

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From extensive research, Mr. Grubbs determined the location is most likely somewhere between Iraq and Kuwait. Of the four rivers mentioned in the bible that ran from the garden, two of those can be identified and have the same name today. Yet, where is the Garden? Is it hidden from human eyes by a mystical portal?

One of the main characters located an ancient manuscript that sent him searching for the elusive Paradise. When he didn't return, his fiancée sought help from a well-known archaeologist, hoping to locate her missing companion.

Soon Dr. Andrew Rogers determined Henry was lost in Paradise and he agreed to help Kathleen McGregor locate him. Before long they both find themselves in a heap of trouble and suddenly it becomes a matter of survival. Some of those dangers are from this world while others are not.

For readers who love metaphysical adventures, this is a must read. Will they find Henry who they believe is lost in Paradise, or will the demons trap them in another world? This is a story of sacrifice and their love for one another. Still not convinced this should be on your read list, listen to a free audiobook sample on Amazon. Better yet, if you are one of the thousands of fans that already has the eBook, the audiobook can be purchased for half price at only $1.99.

"In Search of Paradise" is book number #1 in the popular adventure series. Give it a read or listen whichever you prefer. If you like biblical thrillers you won't be disappointed.

For other books by Roger Grubbs, check out his website or author page on Amazon.


Roger Grubbs

Source: Books By Roger Grubbs
Filed Under: Books

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